The Theory of African-American Men Providing Impactful Leadership in the Quality Schools Movement

Better Outcomes for OUR Kids‘ (BOOK) mission is to raise awareness around the need for high-performing schools in African-American communities, and the need to expand and increase the awareness of educational options and school choice. We believe when leaders are equipped with and prepared to share objective information about high-quality schools through BOOK’s programming, they will be effective at communicating the educational crisis effecting African-American youth. With support from parents, local constituents, policymakers, the media, and key influencers, we can change the course of our failing schools.

When the CEO & Founder, David Mitchell, thought about the key influencers that would make the greatest impact, he felt it was time for African-American men to “step up” and join the conversation in a meaningful way. With this theory of change David created The Men of BOOK.  

This advisory board would become champions for the work that BOOK is performing in the community, and would be ready to add their voice, relationships, and influence to BOOK’s work in metro Atlanta.  BOOK is thrilled to have identified some well-known champions and advocates to support its work.  The alliances these men have built will help support and further the goal of improving educational outcomes through supporting BOOK’s programming.

Meet The

Hakim Hilliard

Chairman of the
Men of BOOK Advisory Committee

Jay Bailey

President and CEO

Russell Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (RCIE)

Greg Clay

Greg Clay, MPA

Commissioner of Community Affairs

City of Atlanta

Karl Douglass

SE Regional
Outreach Director

American Israel Public Affairs Committee

Wayne Martin

Senior Manager

External Affairs for
Comcast NBCUniversal

Former House Representative

Georgia General Assembly

David Walker, Esq.

 Managing Partner

Law Offices of David M. Walker

Ian Elmore-Moore


The Noble Truth Project

David Manuel


Fulton County Arts & Culture